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Trickhouse Live: An Integrative Arts and Performance Series
Trickhouse vol 10 release event w/Cara Benson and Quintan Ana Wikswo

Tuesday, September 28
7:30 p.m.
$5 Suggested Donation


Trickhouse Live is co-organized by TC Tolbert, Assistant Director of Casa Libre; and Noah Saterstrom, founder/curator of Trickhouse.org; and Laynie Browne.

in·te·gra·tive adj \ˈ in-tə- ˌ grā-tiv\
combining and coordinating diverse elements into a whole

Trickhouse Live is an integrative arts series that brings together people working with words, images, sounds, videos, and a variety of performances. The series serves as a venue for visiting artists to interact with local artists and for the borders between genres and mediums to be permeable. Trickhouse Live is a physical world extension of the online cross-genre arts journal, Trickhouse.org which is based in Tucson.

September Reader Bios

Cara Benson is author of a book of interconnected pre-elegiac prose poems for humans animals plants and earth called (made), now out with BookThug. Protean Parade, her second book, is forthcoming 2011 with Black Radish Books. Benson's chapbook Quantum Chaos and Poems: A Manifest(o)ation won the 2008 bpNichol Award. She teaches poetry in a NY State Prison.


Quintan Ana Wikswo is a cross-disciplinary artist working at the intersections of text, visual art, and video installation. Her work appears in museums, galleries, and performance spaces through North America and Europe this year, including the Musée des Moulages in Lyon, Schloss Plüschow and the Kebbel Villa at Oberpfälzer Kunstlerhäus in Germany, and at the Museum of Jurassic Technology, the Boston Court Performing Arts Center, the Alfred Newman Concert Hall at the University of Southern California, and Phyllis Stein Art in Los Angeles. A regular contributor to Conjunctions and Denver Quarterly, her text work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tin House, Kenyon Review, Drunken Boat, New American Writing, Alaska Quarterly Review, Mississippi Review, DIAGRAM, and many others. Her book of photographs and hybrid text, Schwarzer Tod and the Useless Eaters, is forthcoming with Catalysis Projects in autumn 2010. www.QuintanWikswo.com 

Upcoming Events:

Monday, Oct 11
Jared White, Farrah Field, and local artists to be announced



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© 2005 Casa Libre en la Solana