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Ocotillo Poetry Slam and Casa Libre present:
Mujeres de Palabra
poetry by Jessica Helen Lopez & Sarah Gonzale

Friday, April 27, 2012
7 p.m.
$5 suggested donation
books available for purchase

Two fierce wordsmiths come together for this unique performance––Jessica Helen Lopez of Albuquerque, New Mexico and Sarah Gonzales of Tucson. The voices of women have always resounded strongly in the Tucson spoken word scene, come see why at this National Poetry Month event.

An award-winning performance poet and self-proclaimed “Slam mom,” Jessica Helen Lopez is no stranger to speaking her mind. “I make no apologies,” she posits, emotion always exhibited in her work. Perhaps she is the “Dangerous Woman,” she writes about: “I’ve got no qualms/on being a woman/no problem with my/swinging hips, paint my lips/a Nefertiti type of chick/a fret-none, foul-mouthed/drink some beer kind of bitch.” While her background in slam poetry has afforded her natural poetic voice the added advantage of a strong physical presence, Lopez’s passions don’t get lost in the transition to print.

“This is more than poetry—these are the songs of the bruja, the bread-heavy hands of a mother and the beautiful indignation of a hopeless optimist,” says fellow Albuquerque slam poet, Zack Kluckman.

Sarita Gonzales is the Founder of TruthSarita Consulting, LLC, a social justice education endeavor. She also works with the Tucson Youth Poetry Slam running writing workshops with middle school and high school youth. Sarita has spent over 10 years as a social justice educator, activist and enjoys experimenting with the intersections of art and activism. She has received Tucson's Top 40 Under 40 Award, University of Arizona's Distinguished Citizen Award and the Hispanic Professional Action Committee's Rising Star Award. She writes, dances, jokes, and gets into trouble whenever possible.

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